Adam Goldberg has written/co-written and directed three feature films -- 1996′s Scotch and MIlk, 2005′s I Love Your Work, and 2015's No Way Jose, in addition to 2003's IFC special, Running With The Bulls.
Here are some shorts, excerpts, and non-The Goldberg Sisters music videos he has also made. For more go to AG YouTube / Vimeo channels
(banner photo courtesy Anne Bowerman)
The Formerly Authorized Music Video Made of Polaroid, Impossible Project, and 16mm films Directed/Shot/Edited: ag For the full story: http://adamgoldberg.tumblr.com/post/18689012993/this-may-not-be-entirely-legal-its
Jazz angel Jimmy Scott performing in an excerpt from Goldberg's 1998 feature "Scotch and Milk"
Adam Goldberg documents legendary tattoo artist and gentleman, Mark Mahoney.
International man of misery and jerk of all trades Adam Goldberg takes on the poem rants of reluctant icon and failed visionary John Tottenham. These are a trilogy of short filmic adaptations, illustrations of Mr. Tottenham's poems which most often chronicle his inability to write, long naps, and the ever encroaching day of his demise. Mr. Goldberg, who can relate, shot these on 16mm and slide film over the course of 3 days. And then procrastinated their editing for several weeks. One can find Tottenham's ramblings here: http://johntottenham.com/ The codec seems to have degenerated on this site over time corrupting the 16mm with unsavory digital pollution. Neither can be bothered to do anything about it.
Failed visionary and reluctant icon, John Tottenham, gets a little something from his latest publication off its chest. And Adam Goldberg captures the happening in its natural habitat. Antiepithalamia & Other Poems of Regret and Resentment is available from Penny-Ante Editions http://.penny-ante.net For more abuse visit http://johntottenham.com/ directed/photographed/edited:
director/camera/editor Adam Goldberg get the single: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/summer-days-single/id552410002 http://www.facebook.com/reflectionsmusic